Value of life

This has helped me a lot recently .. thought I would share .. I’m reminded daily when I look at this list 🙏🏻

1. To make the first step toward change, you must begin – To paraphrase the Lao-tzu quote: the journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. To finish successfully, you have to get started. There is no time like the present.

2. Let go of the bad and focus on the good – Positive energy and a positive attitude will get you a lot further. Let go of what you can’t change and, instead, look to what you can change. Choose to dwell on things that are going well.

3. “Peace comes from within; don’t seek it without,” Buddha – This wise quote makes great advice. Material possessions, external circumstances, other people’s behavior–nothing will make you happy from the outside. Happiness starts with your own heart and soul.

4. Without the struggle, there is no strength – You can’t build strength without a little heavy lifting. Storms and tribulations will come; but you will out the other side stronger and better than ever.

5. Wake up and chase your dreams – Nothing can hold you back! You are who you want to be and you can do whatever you want to do. Make the decision to take one step toward a goal of yours today.

6. Don’t lose a diamond while chasing glitter – The biggest, brightest opportunities of life sometimes pass us by while we’re busy chasing temporary, less wonderful opportunities. The perfect job or perfect mate may take a little longer to get, but it will be well worth it.

7. Sometimes, you just need to take a deep breath and remind yourself of who you are and where you’re going – Perspective is everything. Let yourself have a break sometimes to remind yourself where you’re at–and where you’re still going.

8. Be fearlessly authentic – Don’t let anyone hold you back. Be yourself–unashamed, unafraid. There’s something beautiful in a person who can be who they are boldly and purely.

9. Happiness is the highest form of health – Add the prescription for happiness to your daily regimen. Whatever makes you happy, find a way to make it fit into your life.

10. Your value doesn’t decrease because someone else fails to see your worth – Your self-worth and value is defined by who you are as a person–your character traits, your wonderful personality, the things you are choosing to contribute to this world. It’s not based on what someone else sees or doesn’t see

It’s all about Balance

Addiction is a constant work in progress. Life is about balance. Finding a solid middle ground for all things we NEED to do and WANT to do. The wants and desires of course are always the hardest to put on hold or pull back the reins on, simply because of the physical pleasure they usually bring. We’re a conscious entity constantly connected, but separated by 6.5 billion physical bodies that distract us from the non-physical world.

The thing with addiction is that it usually stems from the addict not being happy with their current life/situation and choosing to escape or numb out their worries with physical pleasure or sometimes pain. Most addicts start to abuse the physical world in anyways they can, to avoid dealing with some of life’s harder emotions. Food, sex, drugs, gambling, alcohol, video games, sports, smoking and everything else that pleasures the body. In moderation ANYTHING can be ok and sometimes even good for you. Obviously that is not always the case and sometimes, controlling and managing one’s life can become difficult and sometimes impossible when one chooses to hide themselves in their addictive “ other “ world that they created.

As a recovering addict since Jan13th 2014, finding ways to live in harmony with my desires has been the biggest challenge. It’s always VERY easy to give into the body’s temptations and desires and set aside what your soul ACTUALLY needs. The physical gratification is usually instant and takes your mind/soul off of what may be bothering you, but everyone who’s been there knows, it’s a temporary mask and not a fix. Our soul needs to meditate, connect to the cosmos and global conscious entity that we all share in in order to grow and become enlightened. Life isn’t about the physical pleasures, it’s about learning to not get LOST in them. The mental/emotional stimulation is what connects us to all the information in the universe. Kind of like a giant hard drive with all the universes information stored on it. The only way to access it is to train your mind and soul to stop focusing on the physical needs and pleasures so much while learning to escape them through meditation, self-awareness, kindness, patience and human emotional connection. So many relationships fail and fall apart because of our inability to communicate and our choice to numb and escape through physical pleasure.

The problem is, we currently live in a world dominated by physical pleasures. Everywhere we look, someone is trying to sell something to someone with promises of gratification, so they can make money and then go buy something for themselves for the same reason.

As a recovering addict who’s always looking to better himself, I was shocked and thrown for a loop when I realized recently that I had been doing a lot of the same behaviors as before when I was using. However it wasn’t with drugs. It was with a game on my phone at home. It started out as a simple time passer when I was at home or alone. However, as time went on, I found myself using the game as an excuse or reason to avoid dealing with or working on my internal self and the relationships around me that allowed me to connect on a higher level. I had lost the trust of my current GF at the time. In fact, I had lost it a few times, and I was desperately trying to force the situation to work. I was pushing against life’s flow and current and it pushed back. We argued and things progressively got worse because 1) I chose to get lost in my game instead of working on us and 2) She had already given up and therefor stopped trying long ago as well.  My game became my escape. I started playing it on breaks, in the studio, dinner, and the worst, was playing it while having my daughter at home. I justified it at the time by saying it was ok because SHE was on her device as well. I justified it with the girlfriend by saying “ She doesn’t care to try so why should I”.

All of that, finally came crashing down around me the end of last year. I had been already feeling like I needed to take a break from the game and was going to set it aside and work on myself. My mind and heart and soul knew what I needed but my addictive personality got in the way. We broke up and the moment I sat there to think about all the reasons why we got to where we were, 1 of the main reasons was because I chose to numb out on a game instead of working on us or leaving us the moment I lost trust in her. This also made me stop and look at my actions as a whole over the last year. I sat alone and after re-examining my life, I deleted my game right there and then. I realized I had been taking away time from my daughter, ex gf, family, music and meditation along with everything else that helps the soul grow. I felt worse for my daughter. Although we did A LOT together, and it wasn’t often I had my game on, it was MORE then I was willing to accept. There was NO benefit from playing my game other than I enjoyed the challenges and it took me away from the life I was unhappy in. That hit me HARD. I didn’t want to be in a life I didn’t enjoy and I didn’t want to be where I was. Deleting the game I had spent 100’s of dollars on over a year was difficult by necessary and easier to do once I realized the negative effect. I also changed my daughters schedule to include less youtube time on her device and more quality, creative and rewarding activities. No lie, we had the BEST weekend ever after that. I actually sat her down too and honestly apologized to her for not being more “present” and told her I deleted my game. She was actually happy and acknowledged my lack of presence even though I didn’t think she did notice. How wrong was I….


The moral of my story today is simple, life is about balance and harmony and not getting caught up in the physical pleasures and distractions that take us away from our true purpose. Enlightenment through learning and knowledge of the universe and through sharing of love and kindness. Everything can be an addiction or escape if over used. Be self aware, and always realize the value of your time.  Ask yourself this, what do YOU want to be remembered for?  That guy/girl who was always getting high, playing games and doing things that really mean nothing? Or do you want to be remember for helping make the world a better place by BEING better and teaching our children how to be better.


The real truth…if you care

Truth: Aliens races have and continue to visit and inhabit the Earth. They’ve been doing so for a VERY long time. They’ve had a part in many technological advances through out history. However, more recently in the 20th century. On a few occasions they’ve refused to share technology in fear of what we’d do with it. When the atom bomb first went off we sent out a massive hello. Amd potential goodbye to all life on earth and possibly beyond that if given or shared with certain technologies. Its a fact, they’re here. Over 85 alien races. And just like parents do to their young when limiting what dangerous toys to play with….we are being told we play too rough. Well thats a no brainer. We suck as a race on many fronts. Our world has way too much war, hate, GREED, negativity and intentional pain. However, since the last big earth self cleansing in the last 400 years our consciousness and spirituality as a race has grown ten fold or more. Which says we are on the right path. However i also feel that to get to the loving place of peace we all wish we had, mother nature will clense again or other worldly help may also have a part in it. Regardless…. Both will happen eventually.

See ya 2015…hello New Year

I’ve always found it comical that society has to use a new year starting as a reason to have more hope, try new things, have a clean slate, work harder for a new goal. Funny why? Because if it meant enough to you, you would have already started. That’s not to say somethings DO require extra mental pushes. I’m guilty of doing it it myself in the past. However now i try to live life a little different. My priorities have shifted and I’m grateful for every thing. I just think it still interesting to take note that we still need support as a civilization when it comes to self motivation.

This past year was like all the others in that i managed to have ups and downs and made it out alive. I made some fantastic memories, let go of some and learnt countless valuable things about life and most importantly my self. I surrendered to things i had no control over. Forgave myself and others. Found new ways to love. And last but not least I became more grateful.

I never stopped dreaming. Even with my eyes open. And i put my heart and soul into this crazy awful beautiful life.


To all those who were a part of my story and or will be. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Xox. Happy New Year

Then and Now…the difference is peace.

As an recovering addict, the most important thing in my life is maintaining my sobriety and limiting anything that triggers impure thoughts. Above love, family, money, desire, sex. ALL come second to ensuring i keep myself free and clear as best possible from anything that leads me in the wrong direction. Triggers that lead to self pity (the number one cause of relapse) have to be squashed and avoided at all costs. Sometimes, that means taking steps backwards in the view of a normal person. I’ve had to leave toxic relationships where i had a 4 bedroom house and access to my daughter all the time. I’ve left jobs that made me more money that i needed. I’ve left myself in a financially less than desirable place. ALL because i knew the insanity and instability of my soul was at stake and more important then materials in the short term. As an outsider this is sometimes very difficult to see and understand, and completely reasonable. As an addict, i no longer focus on the instant gratification. A gift i truly believe I’ve received from coming clean. Not always focusing so much on what i get now, but rather the big picture.

In my opinion it’s about learning to appreciate what we have now, and ensuring we stop to appreciate those moments. Smell the roses. Take the time to meditate and breath and consciously be self-aware of who we are and who we are becoming. Making sometimes VERY difficult decisions that affect our present moment, because we see the value of those decisions in the long term.

I’m proud today of who i am more than ever before. I find happiness in my present moments, even after making tough choices. I know that life is too precious to worry about what i cannot control. But i also know the limits of what i can. And what’s best for me as an addict. Although, there is no perfect scenario, i do allow room for error and growth and welcome it and always will.

I’m not famous, and i may not be a rockstar, i may not get to see my daughter everyday, i may not be debt free, i may not own a fancy house to myself or a a vehicle. I may not be currently working despite looking for work. I may be limited to what i can and cannot purchase because of my finances. But all if it pales in comparison to waking up everyday wishing i was dead. Hating myself for doing things i didn’t want to do. Being controlled by a vicious demon addiction.  Loathing in self pity and being miserable. Lost without passion or desire to play music. Lacking love and empathy or not being the father my child deserves me to be. The list, goes on… and it’s far from pretty.

What i have today, is clarity of the soul and mind. A plan, that although cannot always be seen, it’s there. Self worth and love for the choices and changes i’ve made in my life. The work i do and have done to give back, through volunteer, mentoring and music.

The Greatest gift i have today, is Peace. And despite the lack of ability to understand where it comes from from the outside world it will not go away simply because others fail to understand it or see it.

Find your peace, and your serenity and don’t let it go for anything or anyone. Be true to your soul.

Importance of Change

The importance of change. Change is without a doubt inevitable and important in life. Too many people are afraid of change that they do what ever they can to not feel uncomfortable with new feelings and emotions associated with it. Without change, we as humans cannot learn and grow. The more we try to avoid change, the more stress we create in our lives. Im the end CHANGE is the catalyst to awesome new beginnings and beautiful tomorrows. The secret is opening up to change, even when its not part of your plan or the goals you set out. Follow your gut, and let change be a positive influence on the direction of your life. Embrace it and it will work in your favor. Dance the dance and enjoy the journey. Make it unique. Make it memorable. Make it yours!
— Levi Hart

Making Peace with Imperfection

I don’t think anyone has ever met an absolute perfectionist who was filled with inner peace. The need for perfection and desire for inner peace are conflicting.  When ever we are attached to having something a certain way no matter what, we are in my opinion engaged in a losing battle. Rather than being content and grateful for what we have, we focus too much on trying to change or better what we already have and never truly get the opportunity to enjoy life. When we are zeroed in on what’s wrong , it implies that we are dissatisfied, discontent.

Whether it’s related to ourselves- a disorganized closet, a scratch on the car, an imperfect accomplishment or a few pounds we’d like to lose, the way someone looks, behaves or lives their life- The very act of focusing on imperfection pulls us away from our goal of being kind and gentle.

As a recovering addict, this has been a HUGE factor in my recovery. Trying to let go of imperfections,  and not being so hard on myself has left me more appreciative, patient, kind and gentle.

This strategy has nothing to do with ceasing to do my very best but with not being overly attached and focused on what’s wrong with life. It’s about realizing that while there’s always a better way of doing something, this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy and appreciate the way things already are.

The solution here is to catch yourself when you fall into your habit of insisting that things should be other than what they are. So I remind myself that life is ok the way it is, right now. In the absence of my judgement, everything will still be fine.  As I begin to eliminate my need for perfection in all areas of my life, I begin to discover the perfection in life itself.


Happiness factor… Over the last few months on more than one occasion its been mentioned to me by a few people that i have a new certain calmness and serenity about me. When i tell them ive truly found happiness in life, they say they feel the sincerity.  Ive been asked about how that came about and wanted to share my thoughts.
Life for me is beyond precious. Knowing it could end at any moment and almost did pushes me to find positivity in the simplest of things. Life to me is about being happy. Happiness comes from being able to love who you truly are as a person with all your faults and all your traits. Its about being humble and knowing perfection is unimportant. Its about allowing yourself to feel all that it is to be human. To give back selflessly and hope that the world and human race you belong to will someday be aligned so that everyone finds their happy and peace.

My Top 10 List as to why Dating a recovering Addict is better!

  1. We have no problem admitting our faults and imperfections, and unlike those who haven’t admitted it, we’re actually doing something our problems.
  2. You can always count on having a DD when you go out with us
  3. We’ll never be the one accused of stealing your last beer/drink from the fridge
  4. When we throw a party, we always bring too much food, have too much fun and never leave a mess of empty cans and bottles lying around.
  5. We’re usually not broke because we didn’t spend all our money the night before partying
  6. While the general population comes into work Monday hung over, we’re the ones being OVER productive.
  7. We have friends, REAL friends that actually care about our well-being and not just what they can get from us or vice versa.
  8. We work a 12 step program aimed at making use better people. It’s not just about being clean and sober. So we’re always trying to improve ourselves.
  9. We have more gratitude than most for the simple things in life. Most of us were near death at one point and there for are grateful 95% JUST to be alive.
  10. We usually tend to substitute sex for our old substances. Hence we like to practice and are generally better at it!